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The Torrance up North!

We are thrilled to offer this service to our customers in the Fort William area of the beautiful North West area of Scotland...


If you are within the Fort William area, or based along the A9 or the A86 route from Edinburgh, and see something (or several pieces) on the website that you'd like to see 'in the flesh' before committing to purchasing, then we would be very happy to bring it to you, and let you see it from the safety of your door threshhold, or leave it with you as a 'Home Approval' before you buy. 


Just give us a call, or drop us an email with the details of what you'd like to see; we would ask for address and card details for security, and once you are listed as one of our trusted customers, you can do as many home viewings as you wish. 


Please call us on 0131 556 6366, 

Fiona's mobile on 07791 121313, 

or email


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